Friday, October 29, 2010


WOW has it been a long time since we had an update!!! Anna had her 4th birthday, we painted Tyler's room, put his bed/bedding in his room, changing table came in, and Halloween is here!!! Tyler is quite a kicker and I love every minute of it (even when he kicks so hard it feels like he is trying to break free lol)!!! Since being informed of my lay off on Wednesday, I worked my last day at work today!! We are looking forward to this new chapter of our lives and spending the extra time with Anna and Tyler as a big happy family!!! As it stands, Tyler will be joining our family on February 11, 2010!! We have 3.5 short months unti lwe meet our little man and we can not wait!!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


WOW, it has been a crazy 2 weeks!!!
To start off with, Anna and I made out trip to Disney and it was great fun as expected!! We met lots of characters including: Mr. & Mrs. Incredible, Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Mulan, Pocohantas, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderalla, Belle, and a few others I don't recall right away. It was a hot week but through the heat we had a great time!! We rode the dumbo ride countless times as well as the Peter Pan and buzz lightyear rides!! On the buzz lightyear ride Anna shot the targets and scored over 30,000 points all by herself!! We bought the new tinkerbell movie the day it was released and took it with us to meet the fairies and they were all excited to sign the movie cover for us!! We discovered lots of interesting fact about animals at animal kingdom...fact #1: on the animal safari ride, if you don't hold on, you WILL be thrown from the vehicle :) We then toured countries of the world at Epcot and created a one of a kind keepsake mask as well as a passport signed in many languages at each country. While at Epcot, we watched the "Around the world" fire works show which anna actually enjoyed (she usually doesn't like fireworks). While I and baby boy took a day to rest from the heat, Anna discovered Hollywood studios where she met a few of her favorite movie characters: the incredibles and the toy story gang. We spent the rest of our week doing whatever Anna wanted to do around Magic Kingdom. She rode her very first roller coaster while we were there and LOVED it!!! We watched parades, got autographs, rode the rides, ate yummy snacks and drinks, walked alot, and all in all enjoyed the park sooo much!!!

After returning from our exciting week at Disney, it was time to go back to work and school. After 2 LOOOONG days of catch up work, it was time to have the BIG ultrasound!! We waited at the doctor for quite a bit but it was all worth the wait in the end :) We found out that baby hall is a BOY!!!! We spoke with the doctor after the ultrasound and he said everything is looking great with baby!!! He measured 19 weeks and 5 days which is exactly where he should be. God has answered many prayers already and I know he continues to do so daily! Another prayer answered for me was to find that after 3 years battling high blood pressure, since getting pregnant with baby boy, my blood pressure has been PERFECT!!!! We discussed my having a c-section and while there is still no definite date, we will most likely look 7 days prior to my due date (February 20) to have the c-section. As for a name for baby boy, it is still under discussion. We had a girl name set and ready to go (Afton Danielle) however, a boy name has yet to be nailed down. There was talk of Micah, but that has been buried now :) The new name of discussion is Carson Allen and while it has not been exactly settled yet, that is where we are strongly leaning. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, not a day goes by that he does not answer our prayers!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Updates from the hall family

Sorry I have not given updates in a while. Anna started 3 year old preschool 3 weeks ago and LOVES it!!! She has bragged to each of her new friends and her teachers about her baby that is coming after Christmas. She is very proud of her new baby, even though its not here yet, and she is getting very excited to meet him/her. As for HIM or HER, we were supposed to find out on Sept 11 if baby hall is a boy or girl, however, due to some misguided information from our doctors office we will have to wait until Sept 29. It is only 2 weeks from now so the wait will not be too much longer yet we are all itching to know!!! We have feelings of boy some days and feelings of girl other days so I guess we will just have to wait and see. I will update just as soon as we go for our appointment, it is at 3:45 on the 29th. On another happy note, Marshall was able to feel the baby moving from the outside of my belly last night! I have felt the baby moving for nearly a month now but the movements had been too light to feel from the outside until this week!! We were very excited to be able to feel him/her! Marshall and I made a registry at target last week and Mom and I made one at babies r us last weekend as well (can you say YAY for free gift cards!!!) We feel very blessed to have such great family and friends!! Anna and I will be making a trip to Disney world next week and we are going to have a blast! Daddy has to work so he can't go and we are going to miss him for sure!!!! There are so many fun and exciting things coming up and I can't wait to update with pictures from all of our events!! I hope that while reading this, you are having a great day!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

WEEK 17:
In the coming weeks your baby-to-be will be going through a new kind of growth spurt. Up until this week, her developmental milestones have centered on various organs and body systems beginning to function and then maturing. Now her body will start filling out by adding fat tissue. Fat is important for a variety of reasons. First, fat tissue helps your unborn baby insulate her body and regulate her body temperature. In her cozy home in utero, Baby's temperature is being controlled for her, but once she's born her body will need to perform that job on its own. Her fat tissue will help regulate her temperature and also store energy she'll need now and once she's born.

Another side effect of adding bulk is that your unborn baby will look more and more like a newborn in each ultrasound image. Her cheeks will lose their wrinkled appearance and develop characteristic baby chubbiness.

Her face is looking more babylike for other reasons, too. Her eyes are almost in their final position and they begin to move under her eyelids. On either side of her face, her ears are beginning to function and can detect sound. Her ability to hear will continue to improve as she grows.

While you won't be able to see your baby-to-be's face except during an ultrasound, this week you might be able to feel another development -- your baby kicking. Each week, she's adding fat and muscle and become stronger, so her kicks will become stronger. Keep in mind, she still only weights 3-1/2 ounces so her kicks might only feel like a flutter to you. Even though this doesn't seem like much weight, if you put it in perspective, your baby has been doing plenty of growing. For example, she's more than doubled her weight in the last two weeks, and by the end of this trimester she'll more than quadruple her weight -- by week 28 she'll weigh in at 2 pounds.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


As you end your 4th month, get ready for an exciting development: You may start feeling your baby move for the first time this week. There's a real person in there, and he's about to make himself known! Your baby is still small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but barely. He's growing fast now, reaching more than 4 inches in length and weighing in at about 5 ounces. His transparent skin is tinged pink as it adds layers, and he can kick his tiny feet and make grasping motions with his hands. His eyes are becoming increasingly sensitive to light.

By now, all of your baby's muscles and bones are in place, and his nervous system is starting to exert control. Your baby is attached to the placenta by his lifeline, the umbilical cord, and that's growing thicker and stronger as his needs increase. Blood is constantly pulsing through the cord, bringing nutrients to your baby and helping to remove toxins from the amniotic fluid, which fills his trachea each time he opens his mouth. The placenta has grown too, in order to accommodate the thousands of blood vessels that are working hard to exchange nutrients and oxygen between your body and your baby's.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Heart Beat 15 weeks

We have purchased a home doppler to listen to the baby's heartbeat between doctor appointments and I was able to record it to share you today! I am currently at 15 weeks and 6 days, time is just moving right on by and I can hardly believe it is already September 1!! We put our fall decorations out around the house today and waking up to nice (almost) fall weather has been oh soooo nice!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I am 15 weeks today!!! Baby Hall has been moving like crazy!!! I can feel it from the inside but so far, we have not been able to feel it from the outside of my belly yet. I love feeling the little movements:) We have gotten a heart beat doppler and we have been able to get the baby to hold still to listen to the heartbeat only a couple of times, the rest of the times when we find it the baby moves!! Our next doctor visit is on September 8. We will also be able to find out the sex of the baby in 2 weeks on September 11!!!! I can not wait to see if we will have a house full of blue or to add some more pink to our home!

On another happy note, Anna started school this week and has absolutely LOVED every minute of it!!! She has enjoyed playing with other kids and making new friends!! She wants her baby to be here soon so she can take it in for show and tell...she is so funny!!!

If you could see your baby right now, you'd laugh as she tests out her developing muscles by making lots of funny faces -- squinting, frowning, even smiling in the womb. You'd be astonished by her paper-thin skin, through which a network of fine blood vessels runs like a series of miniature roads. She is developing lanugo, a fine, downy hair that covers her body and protects her skin. Lanugo begins to disappear before birth, but some babies -- especially those born early -- may still have a fine covering of it on their shoulders, backs, and foreheads as they come into the world. This hair usually disappears within a week or so after birth. Beneath her skin, your baby's skeleton is hardening, transforming from cartilage to bone as she continues to absorb calcium. Her bones will stay flexible, however, so that she can easily make the journey through your birth canal. They won't harden enough for her to stand until she's a toddler.

Her ears are nearly in position, and she can turn her head. She can make fists and point her toes too, though most of the time these movements are reflexive. Her hair has started to grow, and it may have a little color as the pigment cells of her hair follicles kick in. You'll need to decide soon whether you want to know the sex of your baby before you give birth; the external sex organs are nearly complete, so an ultrasound can reveal whether you're having a boy or a girl.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Last Wednesday was our 12 week doctor appointment. I was seeing the midwife (Christy). After a bad midwife experience with anna, I was a little worried but she was so great!! She talked with me for a while about how things are going and went on then to use a doppler to find the heart beat. She tried for about 5 minutes and was only detecting my heartbeat so she took me down to the utrasound room where I was #5 on the waiting list. Talk about a scary time, I felt like I waited for hours but really it was only about 15 minutes. The ultrasound lady found the baby right away but it was moving around soooo much, she had a hard time getting a solid reading to get the heart rate (HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF). After about 7-10 minutes of chasing the wild child around my belly, she finally got a solid reading of 156 BPM and she said "WOW, no wonder Christy couldn't find a good reading, that baby is bouncing all over the place". I was so excited to be able to see our little peanut again and especially to see that it is doing well and growing right on schedule!! Baby Hall was measuring right on 12 weeks and 6 days.

Also happening last week, my belly seemed to pop right out!! No denying there is a baby in there now :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Week info 12 & 13

Your baby can swallow by now, and he might even get the hiccups! He's a whopping 3 inches long, and his head, which was half the size of his body last month, is now just a third as big as the rest of him. He's also less hunched over. His face is almost fully formed, and his nose, eyelids, and ears are almost completely developed. He's even got an upper lip.

Blood has started to pump through your baby's umbilical cord, carrying nutrients and oxygen from your body through the placenta to support your baby. The umbilical cord also works in reverse to rid your body of the baby's waste products now that his kidneys are excreting urine.

All of the major organ systems have finished forming by the end of your 1st trimester, so now they only need to grow. Your baby has opposable thumbs too, and his motions are more purposeful. In fact, some researchers say they can detect variations in personality even this early, such as whether your baby will be active or calm, a thumb sucker or not. Most of his motions right now are reflexes, but his muscles are starting to respond to his brain signals; he can kick and curl his toes. If you could prod your baby's hands right now, they would probably close because of reflex. He'll be holding your finger with a good, firm grip before too long.

Your baby-to-be is almost done with the first trimester! In the first trimester, he went from a collection of cells to a fully formed individual in a matter of a few weeks. In the coming weeks, his basic body structure will add tissue -- and every part of his body will become more defined. He'll also become stronger. Sometime this trimester you might also be able to feel your baby kick and wiggle!

Probably one of the most important happenings this week is that your baby-to-be has a functioning kidney and urinary tract system. In other words, he's starting to pee in utero. This is normal and helps his body systems begin to process what he ingests.

Your baby's body skeleton is also adding layers to the rudimentary beginnings of bone. Tissue in his arms, legs, and face will be added to in the coming days. In fact, your baby's arms and legs are more proportionate to the size of the rest of his body.

Another change you can begin to see in the sonogram image is the relation of your baby's head size to the rest of his body. Up until now, his head overshadowed the rest of his body by half. Now, as his body has elongated, his head is only 1/3 the size of his growing frame.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Perhaps the most important development happening this week is taking place in your baby-to-be's heart. While his heart has been beating since week 5, it has been maturing more and more each day. The heart is now divided into four chambers, and the valves that will help funnel blood in and out of the heart are forming. Although your baby's heart is beating, your healthcare provider probably won't be able to pick it up during your prenatal office visits quite yet. Give it another week or so.

The umbilical cord is your baby's lifeline in utero -- connecting Mother and Baby. Made up of three spiraling vessels (one vein and two arteries), the umbilical cord provides oxygenated blood to help your baby breathe. Connected at your baby's abdomen, one vein carries blood to the baby's heart while two arteries carry blood out of baby's heart and back to the placenta. This system of pumping blood in and out of your growing baby's body not only provides oxygen and nutrients, but also removes any waste that your baby produces as he's developing. Along with your baby, the umbilical cord will continue to mature and strengthen to provide everything your baby needs to survive and mature.

The constant blood flow is helping your baby-to-be's limbs develop and lengthen. He already has the beginning of arms, legs, and fingers; this week his toes are also taking shape. Inside those limbs, bones are forming. As those bones develop, joints such as elbows, ankles, shoulders, and wrists are helping your baby move more freely. You won't be able to feel all this movement because your baby-to-be is still so tiny -- even though a sonographer could capture it with an ultrasound.

Another fun note: Baby's eyelids are forming this week!

At our first sonogram on June 29, we were able to detect Baby Hall heart beat at only 6 weeks!! It was beating at 118 BPM, keep that little heart beating strong :)!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Doctor Follow Up

Today was my 2 week follow up with the doctor. Unfortunately my insurance denied a second sonogram in the first trimester so we were a little bummed about that. I did have my blood work done and should get the results from that in 7 days. The doctor said that everything still looks good and we should see a new baby Hall around February 20, 2011. We did discuss a second C-Section (I knew it was coming) and he feels that is my best and only option all things considered. SOOOOO, that means that Baby Hall should realistically arrive sometime in the week of February 11-18 depending what rate how he/she grows.

At this point (8 weeks and 3 days) Anna has not kept her secret very well so we will be mailing out announcements very soon. We do hope that everyone will keep us in their prayers, as we are not yet out of the woods. We are still in a very critical time and with the recent past still lingering in our minds, we just pray everyday that God will bless and touch my body to shelter, nourish, and protect this baby so that we can hold him/her in our arms in just a few short months!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Baby Hall's first photo session

We went to the doctor today for Baby Hall's first photo session!! The doctor said that everything is looking good at this point, but he would like to see me again in 2 weeks to try another sonogram. As of today, I am 6weeks and 2days. The baby's heart rate was 118 BPM.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Prayers Answered!!!

Today it is with great happiness that I am able to post that God has once again blessed in a wonderful way!! We have received a POSITIVE home test!!!! Marshall had to work so I was not able to talk to him during the day...the suspense of holding the secret was killer!!! When he got home I just had to tell him right away and of course Anna was delighted with the news as well...BIG SISTER!!!! God is good!! We plan to keep our news under wraps for a while until we get the ok by the doctor. My first appointment is on June 29th!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In sadness we find peace

We received confirmation of pregnancy on Feb 24, 2010. We were very quiet with the joyful news and decided it was best to tell only Mimi & Papa the big news while we were on our mini-trip to Disney World on February 28. They were both very happy and shared in our joyous news. When Anna and I arrived back home, we had planned a dinner with Nana, Pop-eye, & Taylo to share the good news with them. It was that day, March 3, that would crush our hopes for this baby. When I woke up in the morning I had started having 'complications', I immediately called the doctor who asked to me come in right away. When we arrived at his office we did not wait to be seen, he had a room prepared for us already, I knew the news would not be good. After his exam and sonogram we received the devastating news that I had a spontaneous miscarriage and we had lost this baby. Marshall and I were crushed to say the least. The doctor advised that we could try again immediately following one regular cycle, however, this was not a situation we wanted to replay by getting pregnant again too soon. We have prayed and prayed that God would bless us once again with a happy healthy baby girl/boy. My hearts desire is to be a good mother and raise my children to make a difference in the world by standing for him in the face of adversity. I did spent a lot of time thinking about our future and praying that God would guide us on the right paths. We shared our heart break with only our immediate families as we tried to keep our heads up. God granted us peace through our hard times and has given us the opportunity to share our story with you. I feel that through hard times we gain strength that we will some day pass on to others.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

And baby makes 4!!!

Today we confirmed our suspicions and had our first Positive home test!! We are so excited to see what this pregnancy has in store! We scheduled our first prenatal apt on St Pattys day!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sinking in

I was prepared but the reality had not yet sank in until today! I saw a brand new adorable baby in church this morning and thought to maybe around this time next year, our bundle will be making its grand appearance, who knows??

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Big Day

Today is a big day, we are at the doc to discuss our plans and options for having another baby (and a few other things)! As I sit in the waiting room I feel a flood of emotions about this life changing decision! First and above all others I am extremely HAPPY and EXCITEd, along with those are anxious, nervous, a bit scared of another surgery, worried about reactions of friends and family, ready to get past the unknowns, ready to enjoy a healthy pregnancy, and to tie up all my emotions; again HAPPY!! Marshall and I are both very excited to be in a position in our lives to be able to expand our family! For that we give God the glory and the thanks for allowing us to be able to do this! We are thankful daily for all we have been given and do not take a single breathe for granted!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Making the decision to have a child is life changing. It is to decide to forever have your heart walking outside your body

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Decisions have been made

After much prayer and discussion, today Marshall and I decided that we officially want to expand our family and give Anna a sibling. He is optimistic that this time will bring a boy, however we are both wanting another girl in ways as well. It is our prayer that whatever we are blessed to have, it will be healthy and happy!!! We will be going to the doctor to discuss going off BC this week in hopes of an October baby :) I hope that everyone will be as happy as we are about our decision!